

Welcome to 3 is a crowd! I shall start the ball rolling by representing the trios to share more about the purpose of this blog.

As a student who are suppressed under the tyranny of the school, overpowered by the influence of the society and swayed by the influence of our surrounding friends and families, we have so much views, feelings and opinions to air out loud. This shall be the very venue to release them all!

Nonetheless, all that are to be posted would be just a personal point of view and could be very much biased. We have no intention to badmouth any particular organisation or person. These are pure gossips among the 3 of us. Hence, do not feel offended in any way. Moreover, with 3 of us to respond to one another's post, opinions may be balanced or supported accordingly.

Afterall, all 3 of us come from different backgrounds and have varsely different beliefs and interests. We gonna post in different points of view and share with you the various encounters that occur in our daily lives.


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