
and its the last day of the year.

this blog is getting stagnant for quite awhile.
we shall and will have a new change in the new year.

2oo7 has been good, despite the various issues that we've discussed earlier on.
and before the year comes to an end,
i love the noseytrio* regardless of how noisy we are everyday =P

many many more to come.

love =)

du du panda dooms


Good fare hike!

For poor student like me, the fare hike is definitely going to make a difference.
I have just caught a segment of the news, and it seems like the price increased did not solve the problems they intended to... Such as more cabs available during peak hours. Instead, many cabs are still waiting for On-Call!

Hopefully both parties will reach a compromise. But yep, i do agree that price increase must be matched with better service.. or at least, do solve problems like cabs going into hiding before midnight charge timing, waiting for on-call, rejecting those who are travelling short distances...

And why is the fare hike GOOD?

1. Love the environment! haha. More people switching to public transport means more efficient use of public transport and will also in general reduces the harmful gas emitted per person!

2. People will try to be punctual. Punctuality is important... and one of the times when people need to cab is when they are in a hurry. So now, they ought to be more punctual.

3. More time at home. Nights out means expensive midnight charges, and hence, a BIG hole in the pocket. Thus, going home early is the best solution. This makes papa and mama happier too.

Of course, some will be happy, others (like those late night hangout places) would be sad if these happen. =D

tweety stomped off.

fair fare hike?!?

Attention to all consumers out there, today is the day! It's the day of the official cab fare hike in Singapore. A glance at the details of the price hike appear to me that those who tend to travel within short distances will be dealth with the greatest blow. The starting fee has a slight increase, some changes were made to midnight charges, huge changes were made to the travelling meter and city charge during peak hour.

In other words, I am going to reduce my use of cabs in Singapore. Upon hearing this, do not view me as a penny pincher even though I am really quite stingy. Haha. The main reason for doing so is because I felt that this price hike is not justified. According to all those theories we studied, price = value. The rise in price should be matched with a rise in value and not a result of rising costs. Afterall, if we consumers value the service of cabbies, we would be more than willing to fork out more for it. So, just how could they increase cab fares fairly? The answer is as simple as ABC, and that is to raise their service quality (if there is any quality in the first place)! I would not say that all cab drivers deliver really bad service but I have had many unpleasant encounters with them. If the customers are playing their part by forking out more money, the cabbies should fulfill their part by providing us with a pleasant service experience. Only nuts would be willing to pay a high price for a distressing service experience.

DD quacked



So just how poor is poor and how rich is rich? Ain't they subjective? Whether or not one is rich or poor, it only matters when one lives the life to the fullest.

I stand by Tweety's view that being poor might serve as a motivation for us to strive harder. Afterall, we have been through hardship and would cherish the wealth earned through out own effort. Moreover, when one is desparate, the drive to work towards success would be even greater. I guess, this is some what like human instinct when we would fight for our survival in the harsh environment.

Let's live each day as if its the last!

I wonder when would I get to earn my first pot of gold? I'm waiting ...


Money money, still money

I don't love money. But i won't reject money.
I mean, that' obvious.

I am not from any rich family, I understand hard-earned money. As much as i don't wish to be poor, I don't want to fall in love with Money. People gets crazy over money, people betrays friends/partners and even family for money, people commit crimes because of money... Money is evil, and I don't want to fall into the trap.

But, face it, money is important. Desires are unlimited, money is a crucial factor to satisfy them (esp material stuff). Money gives you the courage to dream... Like for me, I went to learn more about photography from a friend, and it's just a harsh fact that it is such an expensive hobby. Even if i do have the passion, I am afraid, i can't afford it.

And then again, since i am just back from Singapore's annual biggest drama event- Star Awards, I should relate money to this event too. There is a trend of voting in Singapore, be it for whatever competition like superstar to star awards. Hence, to support your favourite artiste, you ought to vote, and that means, money. So, if your family does not have that much to pump in for you, you ought to pray that you have fans who are rich or be like Fann Wong!

It's sad to admit the power of money, but let' not get disheartened!! Being poor can be a motivation for us to strive harder!
With a bit of luck and opportunity plus the talent and hardwork, everyone stands a chance!!

it' tweety!

DD' response

I truly agree that as long as you have a dream, work for it and it gotta be fulfilled someday. Hence, DuDu will definitely get to visit Europe when the time is ripe.
Neither do I have a smooth sailing life for the past 21 years. Everyone had their fair share of ups and downs but all of us grow up from the downs in a different way. As for the not so sensible me, I tend to choose to make dreams turn into reality as quickly as possible because tomorrow is an uncertainty. Doubts would pop out in my mind ... What if a mishap happen to me and I have yet to accomplished this and that ... What if I no longer have the ability to do this and that anymore ... What if this and that is no longer available to me ... These would pile on to the load of regrets in my heart. Yet, regrets are irreversable. They would only accumulate while my sorrow snowball in silence.
Not too long ago, I quoted a slogan from Tiffany and Co. in my msn, which goes blue is the colour of dreams. Many girls yearn to own that little blue box. In this season of giving, will this dream turns into a reality? It could be a gift from your loved ones and it could be a gift to show your love for one's self. Indeed, this is a luxurious form of pampering. The money could be better spent in many other ways. Still, it brought happiness and satisfaction to one. Everything is meaningful, it depends on how you view it in your way.
Donald Duck Quacked


my say.

true enuff money is impt, but its nt everything.
having grown up in a not so well off family, i've been thru really bad & poor times.
and those are the times whereby it wld always stay in your mind, cos' it serves as a bearing in mind, one tt yes money do mean alot at times..

as a economics lover, i'll use the luxury and necessity good rationale to talk bt money here.
europe trip, as much as i wld love to, many wld love to, is nth but a luxury good.
lookin at the opportunity cost tt we have here, tat gd 5k, that is if i ever manage to get so much money, will be actually useful for many other purposes.
necessity, like usual expenses and food, cost a significant amt too.

maybe im just afraid, cos i've been poor before, i cant afford to be poor again.
cause i know how much money means in times of bad. and nt everyone anyone will be able to understand it unless they have gone thru it before..
i believe not everything is sunny day, we've gotta save up for rainy days.
i will not allow money to manipulate me, its too great a temptation.
and i will not let it affect my relationship with my family.

but i believe i will go to europe someday, yeah someday.

yours truly,
du du panda :)


money Matters!

I can't help but to start with a serious and infuriating topic - MONEY! As the saying goes, money doesnt mean everything but without it, there is a whole load of worries. Money doesnt neccessary brings happiness but still, it may be an obstacle to one's life journey. For instance, our plan for the graduation trip to Europe is hindered by some of our financial ability. Hence, our dream is as good as gone with the wind. Moreover, i have been kinda moody just because i cant get the bag that i supposedly want. Well, its just another restriction post by the lack of cash...

If we were to apply the demand and supply theory in economics, demand would be our desire while supply would be the cash. If desire is greater than cash, the shortfall would result in dissatisfaction from not being able to meet our needs. If cash is greater than desire, too much cash is going after the limited desires and there would be less satisfaction when we attain what we want. Unfortunately, the aim for desire equal cash is least possible because the world is not perfect! In conclusion, I am just so bothered with money matters and this problem would persist throughout my life till i depart from this world.

donald duck


Tweety's here

A BIG hello to Panda and Donald Duck as well as all who happened to be here.
As much as the account was signed up by me, I'm the last to report. hee.

I'm really excited about how this blog will progress... and how we gonna digress.
For those who are passer bys, bear with us for the moment as we are trying to sort things out here and there... but I promise, Juicy Stuff on the way.

Good night everybody, rainy days are good for sleeping.

Tweety was here.


Welcome to 3 is a crowd! I shall start the ball rolling by representing the trios to share more about the purpose of this blog.

As a student who are suppressed under the tyranny of the school, overpowered by the influence of the society and swayed by the influence of our surrounding friends and families, we have so much views, feelings and opinions to air out loud. This shall be the very venue to release them all!

Nonetheless, all that are to be posted would be just a personal point of view and could be very much biased. We have no intention to badmouth any particular organisation or person. These are pure gossips among the 3 of us. Hence, do not feel offended in any way. Moreover, with 3 of us to respond to one another's post, opinions may be balanced or supported accordingly.

Afterall, all 3 of us come from different backgrounds and have varsely different beliefs and interests. We gonna post in different points of view and share with you the various encounters that occur in our daily lives.


im the first*

welcome to our little bloggie, where everything under the sun shall be covered here,
frm girls talks, to gossips, health, beauty, shops, schools etc.

and me me me.. im the mahjong addict panda lover =)

have fun!